About Us

Click here to read our president’s welcome letter for new members!

The American Association of University Women was established in 1881. It’s the nation’s oldest and largest organization working to promote education and equity for women and girls ever since.

AAUW is a national organization of more than 170,000 college graduates, which promotes equity for all women and girls, life-long education, and positive societal change. Membership is open to all graduates who hold an associate’s or higher degree from an accredited college or university.

Student-affiliate status in AAUW is available for anyone now studying for a bachelor’s degree at a qualified institution. Until graduating with that degree, a student-affiliate may participate in all AAUW activities except for holding office or voting.

The Palm Springs Branch, founded in 1949, continues to promote and demonstrate its commitment to the education of women both at the local level and worldwide.

We offer a varied program of social projects and community action, interest groups, and an opportunity to work toward common goals while creating a network of friends.

Interested in joining? Email us at aauwpalmspringsbranch@gmail.com!

2023-2024 Leadership Team

Position Name
President: Kathi Farber
Vice President-Program: Laura Eaton
Vice President-Membership:
Co-Vice President-Fundraising: Amy Dailey
Co-Vice President-Fundraising: Gina Rotolo
Secretary: Shelley Mitchell
Financial Officer: Christine Anderson
Tech Trek Coordinator: Janet Braslow
Interest Group Coordinator: Marsha Riley
Publicity Coordinator: Susan Rosenberg
Public Policy Coordinator: Gayle Cox
Tech Trek Treasurer: Phyllis Dunn
TTAG Chair: Aurora Wilson
Grant Writer: Carol Marcuse
Nominating Chair:
Meeting Chair: Martha Blackburn
Newsletter Editor: Shelley Mitchell
Website Manager: Gina Rotolo
Directory Editor:
Zoom Chair: Shelley Mitchell